
A Hat-Trick For HenPower

It was an eggciting year for our HenPower Project, with our team and the Hensioners scooping three accolades: Three awards from the national Care Home Awards, winners of the Pride of the North East and runners up in the national Pride of Britain Awards.

With the accolades came a swathe of publicity for the project. There were animated TV commercials for TSB featuring caricatures of the team; a visit to the House of Commons; sponsorship from TSB to roll out more HenPower Projects and a stint on the Good Morning Britain sofa for Hensioners Pat and Pam, highlighting the role that HP now plays nationally in reducing loneliness and isolation as part of the 1 Million Minutes campaign.

You can see them on the sofa by clicking here.

In 2017/18 we regularly HenPowered 15,000 older people!

"The past few months have been amazing. Residents have thoroughly enjoyed creating the poetry and get so much out of the meaningful activities.

"It provides something new and interesting for residents to take part in and it’s fantastic to see how much joy it brings to those involved."Wendy Bristow, Parkfield manager


Not phased by their new-found stardom, the hensioners were back, sleeves rolled up, for their annual teaching session at Northumbria University, discussing positive approaches to creativity and care to third year nursing students.

Other highlights included speaking at:

  • The Campaign to End Loneliness Conference in Glasgow
  • Public Health England’s Reducing Loneliness Conference in Wakefield
  • The Luminate Conference in Edinburgh
  • Arts and Ageing Conference in Belfast

"I enjoy the creative sessions thoroughly and am learning a lot creating illustrations, art and crafts.

"Most of all I enjoy learning how to clip the wings of the hens, it’s interesting learning something new."Audrey Chambers, a resident of Parkfield House